History and Purpose


The Rock of Ages Bible Institute became a reality after seeing a burden among our own missionary families, friends, and supporters. Time after time, we were asked, “Is there a Bible School with external studies that you can recommend?” We are sure there are many such schools available. There are some we could recommend. Likewise, there are many we could not recommend. After several years of prayer and seeking God’s will, we accepted our first student in January 1996. Later as the Rock of Ages Bible Institute expanded its range of courses the name was changed to Rock of Ages Bible Institute and College of Biblical Studies. In January 2009 we expanded the range of courses once again to include studies for Doctoral Degrees, and thus the Theological Seminary was added to the name.  


Giving students a solid Biblical foundation.

Rock of Ages Bible Institute and College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary is designed to give its students the solid foundation needed to be successful in the Lord’s work, to give the serious Bible student an opportunity to further their studies through postgraduate courses.

We also provide tools for  to further the cause of Christ, in fulfillment of  II Corinthians 4:5 - “For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.”  

In light of Romans 12:6 (“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us,...”), we also desire to help men and women express the gifts that God has given each of His children, for the purpose of doing His work on this earth. We believe each Christian should be equipped to do their best for our Lord, and this is accomplished through the study of God’s Word.

Statement of Faith


Distinctively Baptist

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