
Admissions Policy

Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary is a Bible college. Therefore, the degrees offered by this institution pertain to Biblical Studies and Ministry. Our goal is to focus on preparing God’s servants for the work of the ministry, and increasing their knowledge of God’s Word, His plan for their life, and how they might better serve Him and fulfill God’s plan for their life. 

We will accept for enrollment, any Christian, man or woman, who agrees with us scripturally, doctrinally, and that will agree to abide by the regulations/guidelines of this ministry, and is a member of a Baptist Church.


When to Apply

Since this is an external studies program, you can enroll at any time during the year, without waiting for the fall or spring semester, like most other colleges. You do not have to study at the pace of anyone else, but at your own pace to reach the goal you set for yourself. 

Minimum requirements for admission.

One Year Certificate of Biblical Studies

Applicants may enroll in this program without a high school diploma or G.E.D.

Associate Degree, and Bachelor's Degree Programs

Applicants may enroll in this program if they have a high school diploma or a G.E.D. 

Master's Degree Programs

Applicants may enroll in this program if they have a high school diploma or a G.E.D, and have an accepted Bachelor's Degree.*

Doctoral Programs

Applicants may enroll in this program if they have a high school diploma or a G.E.D, have an accepted Bachelor's Degree*, and have completed the required number of postgraduate credit hours to qualify for the program.*

*Please refer to the Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary Catalog/Handbook for acceptance information.

Transfer of Credits

Transfer of Credits

We will consider accepting credit for subjects previously studied that are offered in this catalog, if completed with a college of our faith (Baptist) and Scriptural doctrine. A transcript or other proof of subject completion must be submitted to obtain credit. 

Evaluation of transferable credits will be made from official transcripts after the student has been accepted for admission. Students from schools of higher learning will receive credit for equivalent courses in which a “C” average or better is maintained, provided the content of the courses meet requirements for the student’s program of studies. 

A minimum of 32 hours must be completed through Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary for each degree awarded. 

If original transcripts cannot be provided, a decision to accept or reject credits will be made by the Staff of the Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary. 

English (if it meets college standards and credit requirement equivalent) is the only (individual subject) non-Biblical course that will qualify for transfer of credit (Unless you have earned a degree from secular institution). 

We have an Evaluation Program for new applicants that have completed an Associate, Bachelor’s, or Master’s Degree Program through an acceptable (secular) institution. 

You can validate your (earned) degree by presenting us a copy of your original diploma and a set of all original transcripts from the applicable institution(s) (no copies of transcripts accepted). We will review and consider your studies after we receive the copy of your diploma and a set of all original transcripts, and after you have completed the required Evaluation Program offered by Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary. 

*Please refer to the Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary Catalog/Handbook for additional information on credit transfer and the Evaluation Program or Contact Us.

Life and Ministry Experience Credit

We realize that some preachers and Christian workers have been, bi-vocational for many years. They are laboring in two places of employment, and working just as hard at both jobs, as someone only working in one place of employment. These preachers and Christian workers have served the Lord faithfully and labored long hours for the cause of Christ and are worthy of recognition for their Christian service also. 

Preachers and Christian workers that have served five or more years in full time positions of Christian service will be awarded life experience credits, if they qualify. Qualifying area of ministry are the following: preacher (Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Missionary, or Evangelist), Christian School teacher or principal, and other full time church related ministries. No one will be overlooked that can validate their service of five or more years, evaluation will be on an individual basis, and validation will be determined by the college staff.

Up to but not exceeding six credit hours may be awarded for each year of documented Christian service. The maximum life experience hours will not exceed 60 Credit Hours, and will apply only toward the Bachelor’s Degree.

For a degree to be awarded, a minimum of 32 credit hours must be completed through Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary. 

*Please refer to the Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary Catalog/Handbook for additional information on Life and Ministry Experience Credit or Contact Us.

Tuition and Fees


(Tuition cost and number of courses is per year)


Biblical Studies Certificate, Associate Program, and Bachelor's Degrees


$15.00 per credit hour

$60.00 per course (4 credit hours)

8 courses (32 credit hours)


Master of Biblical Studies, Master of Religious Education, and Master of Ministry


$25.00 per credit hour

$100.00 per course (4 credit hours)

9 courses (36 credit hours)


Doctor of Biblical Studies, Doctor of Religious Education, and Doctor of Ministry


$40.00 per credit hour

$160.00 per course (4 credit hours)

9 courses (36 credit hours)


Doctor of Theology


$40.00 per credit hour

$160.00 per course (4 credit hours)

10 courses (40 credit hours)


$30.00 Matriculation / Application

$30.00 Reinstatement fee (if applicable)

Example: If you have been doing work in another college and are now starting back with Rock of Ages.

$100.00 Life Experience Evaluation Fee

For additional information on Life and Ministry Experience Credit click here.

All fees, tuition, and prices of course materials including: books, study guides, binders, and CDs are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

All fees and tuition due must be paid in full before Certificates or Degrees will be issued. 

Enrollment prices for all course materials, study guides, binders, CDs, and etc., must be purchased as a package for the applicable year. Prices are listed later in the catalog by applicable years. Courses cannot be purchased individually. 


*Please refer to the Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary Catalog/Handbook for additional financial information or Contact Us.

Download the College and Seminary Catalog