Students – Information

Students – Information

Online Courses Guidelines

Due to the demand for them, we have developed courses for online studies.  Many people today had rather listen to lectures and take notes and write a paper than to read a book and take notes and answer questions in essay format.  Some people say their retentions of the material is greater if they listen to the instructor.  Therefore, we are attempting to make provisions for those students to learn.

Technology today, has made smartphones and tablets a part of everyday life.  Many college students have done away with desktop computers, or even laptop computers.  As a result of the always on the go life style, the smaller devices are more feasible to many.  The online courses are viewable on any device: computer, tablet, or even a smartphone.  This makes it convenient to view the online courses anywhere, and make handwritten notes, that you can type later for submission.  For the person always on the go, you can utilize time that might normally be wasted.

The online courses can be intermixed with the textbook courses in the earlier part of the catalog. However, the cost will vary depending upon the courses picked.  The cost of the “online courses” will be slightly higher, due to the overhead to produce and maintain them. 

The format of the “online courses” will be much different from the previous courses that had a textbook and set of questions for that particular book.  The online courses can be streamed or downloaded from the website of the college in a video format.  The student will be able to follow the notes on screen of the instructor, as well as to listen as the instructor lectures on the particular topic being covered. 

The online courses are available on the college website under the tab, “Online Courses.”  There will be a preview video of each course, which will give an overview of the course material.  The preview is in the same format that the course is laid out and recorded in.  This will give the student a better idea of the subject before purchasing it.

Each course will consist of 13 – 16 lessons, which will average 45 minutes each.  The courses will be rated at 4 credit hours.  There are written requirements that are to be submitted upon the completion of all videos pertaining to that course. The courses will contain text, charts, graphics, videos, and the instructor speaking in the upper corner of the screen.

Online Course Requirements for Credits


  1. Must view all videos in full
  2. Must take notes on each video and submit a copy of your notes
  3. Notes must be in order of videos
  4. Therefore, videos should be viewed in order
  5. Notes will be graded on content as proof of viewing videos 
  6. Notes will not be graded on grammatical correctness
  7. Notes must be typed in Microsoft Word format double spaced
  8. Lesson heading must be at the beginning of each lesson’s notes
  9. The cover page for each course must contain the course title, student name, street address, city, state, zip code, last four digits of social security number, date, and the completed work attached, and secured in a folder (binder) of some type (not loose leaf) or emailed to:
  10. A 5,000 word thesis on the course, typed, double spaced and submitted print ready, and grammatically correct
  11. All pages for notes and thesis, are to be numbered at the bottom center of the page
  12. Margins are to be 1″ on all sides
  13. All written work is to be in Times New Roman 12 font
  14. Must use a minimum of three external research sources
  15. Footnote research sources, and quotes in your thesis
  16. Written work for online courses may be emailed as an attachment (Microsoft Word Document) to

Online Courses Prices


  1. Cost per Online College Course – $100.00
  2. Submission of completed written work required for the course may be mailed to Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies, or emailed as an attachment (Microsoft Word Document) to
  3. (Prior to submission of completed written work) Students desiring credit for online courses, must fill out an Application and submit with payment of $30.00 one-time fee – non-refundable (Mailed to Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies)
  4. Application can be downloaded from website
  5. Students previously enrolled in Rock of Ages College of Biblical Studies do not need to re-apply
  6. Credits will only apply to those of like faith, and member of a Baptist church
  7. Purchases by someone of different faith will be non-refundable
  8. Purchases of online courses can be in conjunction with text-book courses
  9. If purchased with textbook courses, at time of payment a pin # or password will be issued for the online course access
  10. Students can purchase one video course at a time (which is different from the textbook requirements)

Online Courses Available

Behold the Lamb (Life of Christ)

Bible Geography (Bible lands: peoples, places, and events)

Eschatology (Last Things)

Evangelism and Stewardship

Feast and Offerings

Pastoral Theology I Timothy (Church Behavior)

Philippians (Christian Joy) (Circumstances, People, Things, Worry)

Revealing Islam And Its Role In The End Times

The button below for students will give you a preview of each of the courses.

Preview Online Courses for Students